
Oh, if only someone knew something about the brain! Our soul, our self, inhabits the deep sea like a fish, swimming back and forth between darkness, searching for its way through anemones and monsters. Ever further, through dark twilight, cold, deep, unfathomable; suddenly it rises to the surface and frolics on the wind-rippled waves of a bed, sees itself in the mirror, is frightened—and already swallows itself. It wriggles and writhes, slaps against the window, and dries up in the shore sand of reality.

In my current artistic practice, the boundaries between dream and reality increasingly blur and blend together. Starting from a fundamental feeling, I develop narrative stories that provide the viewer with a space for immersive experience. This results in surreal worlds incorporating everyday elements, serving as a projection surface for self-reflection and socially critical themes. My visual worlds are full of symbolism and include elements from art history, which I try to place in a new context, often with irony and ambivalence.